Welcome to my new health blog!

Hello there! Welcome to GutCovered! I am Gulten, and this is my space where I love to explore the science behind a healthy microbiome.

I studied Food Engineering in college, however, my thirst for science was not satisfied. So I decided to continue my studies and moved to the USA. Since my sophomore years, I was fascinated by the microorganisms and their capabilities which became my research topic during my Ph.D. Later on, while I was a Post-Doc, I got interested in the microbiome science, and quickly realized that our gut is also a very very complex fermentation vessel! Since then, I have been following anything related to microbiome closely. I have been reading a lot of scientific articles as a part of my career. And, many times I am surprised to see how easily we can increase the good bacteria in our gut with simple changes in our diet.

I believe that many issues we face in our life can be improved, if not fixed, with a healthier gut microbiome. So does many biotech companies! There is an increasing number of start-ups that are developing products to improve the human microbiome to tackle many diseases, from dental health to women’s health, cancer & inflammatory diseases, and many more!

Here, I will share with you scientific research, just a tad, about how microbiome effects our daily life and food that benefits gut microbiome, thus, our well-being!

I am currently living in Canada and working as a fermentation scientist in a private company while I am writing this blog in my spare time. I hope you find my posts helpful! Please share your thoughts and topics you want me to write about.

Thank you for visiting my blog!
